2.5D Old West | Billy The Kid

2.5D Old West Billy the Kid


2.5D Old West Billy the Kid is part of my 2.5D Old West Collection and depicts the infamous outlaw and gunslinger in this stunning 2.5D example.

Experience this image of the notorious vigilante like never before with my 2.5D Old West Collection. Immerse yourself in this restored and stylized image with this exponentially more engaging alternative to the static 2D photo.  2.5D Old West Billy the Kid and other epic 2.5D history animations from other time periods can be viewed back on my 2.5D Parallax page.  Additionally, my latest 2.5D History work can be viewed  on my 2.5D History Playlist on You Tube before they are published here.

I restored, stylized and optimized the image for 2.5D animation inside of Adobe Photoshop. Additionally, I custom painted a depth map of Billys’s face in Photoshop. The restored stylized image and custom painted depth map were used to bring the image to life with 2.5D animation inside of Adobe After Effects. Tell your story with gorgeous and engaging 2.5D to improve your audience engagement. This animation is available for licensing and customization.  Inquire now!
