3D Compositing


3D Compositing is the craft and process of combining 2D or 3D elements with live action videos, photos or artwork.  3D Compositing techniques are used in almost every visual media post production pipeline.  Visual effects compositing is a different type of production process that requires a unique set of skills and knowledge in order to create stunning scenes.

In 3D compositions, some shots have CG backgrounds and real subjects and some have CG subjects and real backgrounds.  Every shot is different but knowing when, where and what CG to real ratio will work best for each shot is important.  These 2d and 3d elements can be anything from objects, environments, or characters to more abstract elements like particles and textures. The real skill and finesse is used in blending the elements together seamlessly for an epic final result.

The process of 3D compositing can be divided into five main stages: pre-compositing, creation of 3D elements, 3D scene building, lighting, and compositing with live action footage. During pre-compositing, the scene, elements, and desired effect are planned and created. 3D elements such as characters, objects, and environments are modeled and textured in 3D software. During 3D scene building, elements are placed and lit in the 3D scene. Finally, the 3D elements are composited with live action footage to create the final image.

3D compositing is an incredibly useful and powerful tool for creating realistic and visually-appealing visuals. It is used in many different types of media, such as feature films, video games, virtual reality experiences, 2.5D animation and so many other motion graphic workflows. In addition to the animation and video editing skills required, a strong knowledge of design principles, color theory, texturing, modeling, lighting, and 3D camera tracking. Together, these skills that can bring visions to life!


3D Compositing Example Image