2.5D Artwork | Storm in the Rockies by Bierstadt

2.5D Artwork Storm in the Rockies by Bierstadt


2.5D Artwork Storm in the Rockies by Bierstadt is part of my 2.5D Artwork Collection and the painting depicts a thunderstorm in a mountain valley.

Experience this stunning painting like never before with my 2.5D Artwork Collection. Immerse yourself in this gorgeous painting with this exponentially more engaging alternative to the static 2D painting.  2.5D Artwork Storm in the Rockies by Bierstadt and other stunning 2.5D artwork animations can be viewed in my 2.5D Artwork collection or my 2.5D Artwork YouTube playlist.

This project involved breaking the painting up into layers determined by 3D depth in Adobe Photoshop.  Next I arranged the layers at their proper depths and animated a camera inside an Adobe After Effects scene.  To polish it up and make it pop, I added animated cloud lighting, the wall, picture frame and passing through glass effects all inside Adobe After Effects.  Inquire now!
